How I keep my body confidence up around kids

As some of you may know, I do spend a massive amount of time around children.

These tiny terrors called children, if you have heard of them, can leave you at the end of the day, quite frankly looking and smelling like someone had beaten you up. 

So I guess it won’t come as much of a surprise to you that when I’m with my Nanny kids I often leave covered in odd crumbs and sticky bits stuffed in weird places. Funnily enough, it’s always the places I don’t quite notice that it’s almost like these tiny terrors planned my embarrassment on the train ride home!

Anyway, steering away from this undoubtedly sexy picture I’m painting of myself this is a post I am really looking forward to sharing with you!!


Self- belief. Body confidence. Self-esteem. Actually feeling attractive!

I’m sure you can agree with me when I say that smelling like dried in milk and delicious baby snacks don’t exactly empower these feelings in me as a woman. 

For me, I feel it’s incredibly important for me to actually feel nice.

My partner is forever hearing this at the weekend!

We normally go on drives and walks in new places around Scotland and I’ll be running around the house yelling “I want to look nice”! Like a lunatic while grabbing perfume bottles and bobby pins off the floor.

(Side note- Why are bobby pins always easiest to find on the floor?!)

My point is, it’s so important for my self-esteem to actually feel womanly. To know that I smell nice or to pop on something pretty on just because.

Don’t get me wrong. There are days where my hair seriously needs some TLC and I flop around the house braless.

But for me as a woman, I need to feel confident in my soul!


How I empower myself, even around children

Between my work life and the blog, I dedicate so much of my time to support others. Time where I am not working I am blogging and if I wasn’t careful I could easily snowball into a routine and forget myself completely.


I do love myself, and I have to make a conscious effort sometimes to say no because I need some fresh air or I want to put a hair mask on.

As many of you know, it’s so easy to self- neglect.

And this could be anything, not just face masks and nail painting.

I remember a little while ago I had a massive eczema eruption. It was horrible. I had big red blobs everywhere and my scalp was so crazy dry that I even had children point it out. 

Instead of re-arranging with my Nanny families and the blog I kept going and didn’t make a doctors appointment. I guess I didn’t want to change anyone’s schedule or mine for that matter.

I waited till I couldn’t stand it anymore and finally made an appointment.

And I really could kick myself for how long I waited. I do put other’s first but I don’t want to in this way. It’s not as if my families would have been mad, I am sure they would have been very kind about it. It was just me not thinking about me!

It took a while but I am definitely getting there.

I do small thing’s like stepping back every once in a while to get a tea or making sure I have a really nutritious lunch.

Empowering also comes from deep within! The girl inside my head tells me that I am strong, beautiful, clever and sexy and I deserve to balance my time between others and me.


Here are a few examples of what makes me feel this way:

  • I do not compare myself to others. Other women are beautiful and I am too. We are all uniquely beautiful in different ways.
  • I surround myself with positive people. Anyone who is unkind to me or that I just get a strong gut feeling from that they aren’t what I need in my life then they will have 0% of my time.
  • I do a little make-up, hair styling and wear something nice to work. This is all part of me feeling body confident.
  • I pat myself on the back for hitting goals and creating new ones. I think about times where life wasn’t as easy and how I got to where I am now. I also think about all the big goals I want to scale in the future and somehow I feel a little taller.
  • When I am Blogging (Such as now) I pop on a lovely incense stick. It gives my office a clam, vibrant energy.
  • I exercise. Whether it’s walking, swimming or weightlifting I enjoy this as it makes me feel more attractive instantly!
  • I praise my body. No, it’s not perfect and I am not even sure what perfection is! I have never put my shape down. I like being a curvy, big boobed Nanny and I wish all woman felt this way no matter their shape.


How you can empower you

If you are a Mother who’s confidence is not quite there for whatever reason let me tell you that you are really not alone! 

I remember my own Mother had felt this way. She was the most beautiful and had the brightest soul in anyone you’d meet, but due to a few life events, my Mother often needed a little pickup. She’d ask me all the time if she was still attractive. My moany teenage self moodily said Yes, but if I could go back and absolutely go to town on the compliments. I really really would.

I’d often do her make-up before going out with her and I could see an instant lift in her whole energy.

Perhaps you could try this too? Maybe if you have a spare 5 minutes today even text yours and tell her what a queen she is!


So many Mother’s I have worked with all have felt the same way at some point in time.

Much like myself, they got to a stage where they totally forgot about them after inputting so much energy and time into tiny humans. 

Wherever you are reading this, whoever you are and whatever you do remember these 4 points:

  • You deserve wonderful things
  • Whatever shape you have it is perfect! 
  • Do at least 1 lovely thing for you today.
  • YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! And if anyone tells you any different, tell them a crazy Nanny will be after them!

So what can do to feel more attractive as a Mother?

I understand many of you just want and need quick tips. It is hard with littlies to fit in you time but it can be done!

Your time could be anything including:

  • Focusing on mental health
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Social interaction
  • Physical abilities
  • And Intelectual skills

Felling attractive des not always just include hair and nails. It could be anything from needing your own learning/ working time, interacting with people like you and perhaps recognising that your mental health need’s a little love. 

If you feel any of that stuck a cord with you, let’s break down each part of your wellbeing.

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Focusing on mental health

Mental health could mean so many things. Seeking out support does not mean your wacky, nor do you need to be.

Perhaps you’re feeling a little low after giving birth, maybe you just need some time or just someone to talk to for whatever reason it may be.

There is no correct answer and nothing is silly. If you feel it, never ignore it. You matter and your mental health matters just as much as your children’s does.

Steps to take if you are feeling this way:

    • Reach out. You’ll feel a massive weight lifted off your shoulder and trust me no decent human being will turn you away. Friends, Neighbours, Nanny’s, Family, Doctors, helplines are all here to support you. Check out-

WHO (World Health Organisation).

Mum’s matter

Mum’s and Babies. Mental Health

Emotional wellbeing

I believe all of our Emotional wellbeings has to do with who we surround ourselves with and what we end up doing when we are not working.

  • Take some time out to relax
  • Cut anyone out of your life who is not positive.
  • (If applicable) Keep up the communication between you and your partner.
  • Express yourself! Try Art/ Pottery/ Yoga/ Read more/ Do something that makes you and only you happy!
  • Keep active
  • Good food= Good mood

Social interaction

I think especially for Mother’s it’s so lovely to connect to people who are going through something you are. The world of parenting can be isolating, to say the least, and to feel like you are not the only one definitely does boost mental health!

  • Take your baby to classes. There will be lots of other Mum’s there who can help support you.
  • If you are feeling trapped, always always get out of the house.
  • Try something new each day.
  • Keep reaching out to friends
  • Give back to the community. Take your little one to a homeless shelter or charity shop.

Physical wellbeing

Now I guess this part could be taken in more ways than one! Which is fab and I’m certainly not going to be shying away from it!

  • Never forget how important time with your partner is. You were boyfriend and girlfriend once before parents (To whom that applies!)
  • Spicy weekend. Book in a Nanny or the Grandparents and plan a hotel trip!
  • Find a method of exercise which you enjoy. Aha! There’s the other kind of physical! You’ll look forward to exercising much more if you find something you enjoy. Try as much as you can! Hill/ wall climbing/  Bike riding/ Swimming/ Running/ Yoga. Pilates/ Weightlifting.

Intellectual skills

I guess it’s fair to say that it can be pretty downgrading with all the baby mush and Talk you’ll go through! It’s very important for many women to be able to step back and either learn or teach something.

This is why I love teaching what I teach!

  • Read more/ Podcasts. Jump into something other than babies sometimes and step away from it all.
  • Take a course. Just because you have children does not mean that your career has to be over. No way! Find something you’re interested in and dive in!
  • Start a blog. I’m serious! Earn money from your home and you don’t even need to leave the house! Connect with me and I’ll be happy to show you my wise blogging ways!
  • Never forget about your own dreams. They matter. Go for it, everything that is meant to be will work it’s self out! But always remember your dreams matter just as much as your child’s do!

I really hope you are feeling as much girl power as I want you to feel!


I believe as women we must support and lift each other up. Our journeys are so much better when we all surround each other with love and make each other feel beautiful in any way, shape or form.

We will have bad day’s.

I don’t always feel like a queen every minute of the day but I know it’s there like a tiny bright ball of light inside of me.


So I have a last but very important piece of advice for you. You are,

Attractive, strong, fire, clever, beautiful, wanted, needed, soft yet strong, capable of anything and deserving of wonderful things. 

Take a little bit of Nanny love around in your pocket from me to you and don’t let it go! 



Please as always let me what you thought of my post. This Nanny need’s a little love just as you do too!

Remember to Subscribe to my blog to get the very first updates and freebies!

If you liked that post please check out these ones too!

How to boss Motherhood and Blogging!

10 proven steps to get your little one to sleep in their own bed

“I feel like a terrible Mother” Truths you need to hear when you feel like this

If you fancy working with me please click here!

Nanny M x  40936022_475348856208923_4502668143453274112_o (1)

12 Comments Add yours

  1. This is soooo important. My Mum had a very negative self-image due to her size, and was constantly on a diet, talking about weight with a clear thinner = better message and that had a huge – very negative – impact on me. I try to be as positive I can about my body now for my sons, and ultimately it leads to feeling better for yourself, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe thank you so much! Glad you agree and can see why it’s so essential for kiddos to adapt a healthy mentality. Have an awesome day!
      Nanny M xx


  2. says:

    This us a great post, we often forget to care for ourselves. Children especially can take over everything if we fail to balance things. Thanks for sharing ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you so much! Your words are very true and we all do forget ourselves! Thanks for your kind words,
      Nanny M x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is another wise and deeply enriching blog piece. So much here that I will be reading it a few times and taking notes.
    I find that many women lose themselves when becoming mothers but if anything, that’s the time to fully step into the wonderful, beautifully wild and messy role of being a woman. My heart is to encourage mothers in this role and to look after themselves FIRST, not last. The old saying, you can’t pour from an empty cup is so true.
    Well done Maryanne for your insightful tips and positive message. Can’t wait to read more of your work . Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww wow what a comment! Your words made my day!! Thank you so much! I totally agree with you. Mama bear’s can get so used to putting someone before them it all sort of spirals out of control. I’m super glad you liked this post and I can’t wait to connect with you! Have an awesome day!
      Nanny M xx


  4. Anita Faulkner - Brazen Mummy Writes says:

    Yay, what an uplifting post! It’s so hard to remember yourself as a busy mum, but I try and get my makeup on most days, as it makes me feel like the old me, not just the scruffy mum! Definitely important to get out and about too, and to do something to keep your brain and body active. Thanks for standing up for us, Nanny M! XX

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you so much! You are worth so much love! I can’t quite imagine how difficult it is but I can definitely send as much love as possible you way. I hope it made you feel as special as you are. Lots of love,
      Nanny M xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Anita Faulkner - Brazen Mummy Writes says:

        Ahh, that’s very sweet. I only have the one child to field, so I probably have it easy compared to most! Xx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. One is a village! Your are amazing and doing such a wonderful job. Lots of love your way 😘
        Nanny M x

        Liked by 1 person

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