The Blogger recognition award! Learning from my experiences.


Okay, slight lie there. It’s not my birthday, BUT, it is my blogs!

Can blogs have cake?

Okay before I go on more about cake, a year ago today I whipped this baby up with a massive amount of fear as I dived into the online ocean and created Nanny M!

So please, before I go any further, can you wish your online friend a happy birthday?

Or if you wanna send me a cake that would be okay with me too.

What better way to celebrate than to be nominated for an award?!


Firstly, I would like to thank the wonderful Life with Charli blog for nominating me for the Bloggers Recognition award! I think the blog is pretty awesome and I ask you to head over there right now!

Depending on where you live in our world, perhaps you are like Nanny M, feeling a little chill in the air and getting into a snuggly pumpkin spice mood! If so, grab your Starbucks mug and get reading this little beauty by Life with Charli! It’s called Falling for Autumn!

Now, if you are reading this because I have nominated you, you might be slightly puzzled as to what this madness is all about!

Basically, online awards are fantastic ways to share your blog with the world, while telling other people that you think they are pretty awesome bloggers too!

Some awards will ask you fun questions, or to share stories, either way, I think it’s pretty cool getting to know the voice behind the keyboard even more!

This has nothing to do with the post or what I am talking about I’m just leaving it here because it’s a pug wrapped in a blanket.

So! Here are the rules!

  1. Thank the nominator, and publish a post on your blog about receiving the Blogger Recognition Award. Make sure to provide a link to the nominator’s blog in your post and talk them UP!
  2. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  3. Give four pieces of advice to new bloggers. Or as many as you can!
  4. Pop in a random funny fact about yourself.
  5. Nominate 10-15 other bloggers for this award, and let them know you have nominated them! Do a message or post online so they don’t miss it!
  6. Copy the rules in your post and bobs your uncle!
This monkey seems rather surprised by the rules!

Learning from my Experiences

How my blog started

Nanny M. com started all those many moons ago as I have always been attracted to doing the complete opposite of a dull 9-5 job for someone else. Great if that’s for you, but I afraid this girl is headed for bigger and better things!

I love writing and very often in this world, people will pay someone to learn something quicker and more accurately than they could do it just by themselves. So that is my long term goal for the site you are currently dazzled by!

As completely taken back in your seat you are with my site, I learn something new every day and I don’t want to come off like my head would topple a car over if one happened to be sitting in the vehicle.

For the past year, I have been posting 100’s of blogs in the hopes that if what I am sharing helps just one child out there, or boosts up one Mother to believe in herself, or has a Nanny receive better treatment from her bosses, then I have done myself proud!

Proud as punch!

As soon as I met my partner, we both became committed to helping each other break free from societies norms and become our own bosses doing something we love. And shortly after I launched my own, My Saturday Drive was born!

Check out some of his posts here!


Advice time!

Oh, where can I begin?!

1- Firstly, you will never make money out of blogging without spending money and putting in the commitment and time. Don’t listen to people who say it’s easy or all those clickbait youtube videos that claim you could make 100,000 in a month for nothing. Sure, you could make that but you’d have to be on it and spend a shit ton of cash.

Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the shell station!

I’ll let you compose yourself from all that laughter before we continue…

2- Now that you are calm…Know what your readers are wanting to read! If your goal is just blogging for fun without extra income then I would be sharing whatever but if you want people to actually to buy stuff then you gotta know what they want to be reading and why they might come back for more.

3- Stay away from most facebook thread shares! There are far too many greedy bloggers out there and in all honesty, I don’t think they truly understand how blogging works. You might see a post like- “Share your blog link fast, GO GO”. Okay great, you might end up getting a few more views today but that’s just going to plummet back down tomorrow. Put your blog in front of readers who will connect with your words, who will come back in a few days or weeks, or remember your website when they see it advertised. Don’t waste your time around people are only out for themselves.

Wise words eh?

4- Make sure your site is attractive and easy (wolf whistles!). It turns me off when I view a blog that is hard to look at and difficult to even find the home button! Instead of spending 20 minutes reading a few posts clicking on that x button and going on with my day!

Again this is nothing to do with what I am saying, I just thought it might look like yours truely after you’ve sent me that cake.


I remember one year here in Scotland it snowed like crazy, then rained and stayed very cold so everything was covered in thick crazy ice. At the time I was working with an after school family. My job was pretty simple. Pick them up, bring them home and keep them alive until the parents come home.

Anywho, they lived about a 10-minute walk from school to their house but unfortunately, their house was plopped at the top of a very, very big hill.

One of the children found the ice climb no problem and flew up the hill no problem. The other struggled immensely and he was too big for me to carry without us both falling so the only way we could make progress was for him to climb on his hands and knees and I push the back of him like some little penguin trying to avoid gravity.

At the time it was quite a tough event but I look back now and can’t help but chuckle!

In the end, all worked out fine and even little penguin managed to spider crawl his way home with a whole lot of his nanny’s sweat and tears!

Okay, ladies and gentlemen!

Surely by now, my cake is on its way?

Anywho, I’m doing an online drumroll for my nominees…

1- True Nanny life

2My Saturday drive

3- Myculinarysaga

4- Imperfect life balance
5- Our favourite jar
6- The bubbly tipsy mermaid
7- Tired but crafty Mummy
8- Free-living adventures
9- Me them and others

If you have been nominated, I want you to know that you are a wonderful blogger and I have truly loved connecting with you and reading all your lovely blog posts. Please stay my blogging friend!

I have to thank you soo much for reading! It’s actually really lovely to share more and more of myself with you. As you might have gathered I am quirky AF and I love a wee giggle!

Please respond to my post with yours!

I can’t wait to read!!!

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Charli Dee says:

    😁 That’s something we have a little common! 😂 And Thankyou so much! I’m really hoping my blog will! 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha, love it 😂 weirdos are always the best friends! I’m sure it totally will. Just keep on pushing on xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Charli Dee says:

        Awww Thankyou!! ❤️ And I agree! Birds of a feather flock together! 😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Absolutely! 💗

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Charli Dee says:

    I loved it!! Your post was too funny! 😂😂 Your really do have a great sense of humor! Happy anniversary! I hope I’m still going strong with my blog once it becomes a year old too! And Thankyou for the very beautiful mention!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahah awh, thank you! I’m quite the weirdo really so I don’t always think people will get me but in so glad you did! Thanks so much! Oh for sure!! I bet it’ll flourish into great things! 💗

      Liked by 1 person

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