My Blogging strategy that brings traffic!

It’s no secret that my blog is growing into something wonderful and I am so excited to share my journey with you.

Many of you have been requesting that I share my strategy, so that is what I am going to do today!

Before I get into the juicy stuff I want to give a massive thank you to all of you that have supported me this far and encouraged me to keep going even when it is tough!

I really appreciate every bit of support and to those who are reading this, I want you to know that we are in this together!


Develop a Content Strategy

A viable content strategy actively works out your entire material lifecycle. Have a clear head on what people need and expand on this throughout your journey.

Your job is to be the middle man in-between people’s issues and you need to be the one to provide the solution. People need to need you.

Simply help people without expecting a return. 

I see far too many bloggers doing the wrong thing. They give a little and sit back waiting for a return.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t want a return, of course, most bloggers do. But, we have to be clever about it. We have to design our content purely to support and help our audience.

Give, give and give some more. Once people start to recognise you and trust you, even though they have never met you before, THIS is when they will feel inclined to return the favour.

For me, I am involved in a parenting weaning group and I make sure to help the Mother’s when they ask a question. This grows my audience and does it in a way that doesn’t look spammy or that I am just looking out for myself.


Always put readers first!


Did you know that not a single one of my blog posts came from me?

I have never sat down and written about a topic because I thought of it!

I know this sounds simple, but it’s really not! No one is going to read your blog or perhaps even purchase something of yours if you put you before them! After all, they are the ones that are going to make you money, right?

Always go with what people want to read and not what you want to type. 

Take me for example, I was asked by a large group of people to share my own blogging strategy now I am doing just that!

If a Mother askes me how to burp her baby, I will lead on from this and write a post.

If a parenting group is collectively struggling with a particular issue, I will pile my expertise into a post and share my advice to them.

Always research before you post!

Especially for me, confidently knowing what I talk about is actually needed, saves a lot of time.


Begin with the end in mind


What’s your goal? Is your blog for fun? Do you want your blog to replace your main income one day?

So many of us get swirled up in the romantic fantasy of Blogging.

And quite right.

There are endless numbers of ad’s coming in our direction. Full-time blogger buys another fancy car or successful bloggers on Instagram sharing an extravagant looking lifestyle. Who wouldn’t want that?!

The problem is, people see this and think hell yeah, I want this, I’m going to become a blogger!

But so often the actual plan to get there becomes blurry. 

For me, I want to continue to grow and earn a living off my blog.

Do you know what you want out blogging?

Take some time today, get a pen and paper and write down what you want!


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Create backlinks

You wouldn’t be alone in thinking that amazing content is all you need to get lots of views!

The truth is that you need a little more than just great content!

By linking your blog to a bigger one will not only up your views it will totally upgrade your credibility!

Googles main aim is to show the best and most valued content.

Did you know that Google ranks blog posts higher if they are longer? Typically posts that are higher than 2000 words and up are rewarded, so don’t be afraid to really go for it!

So, how do I get backlinks? 

Start off by asking! Find your ideal blogger in your niche and give them an email. Perhaps you could say “You would love to do a guest post for them and in return if you could link them in your site”?

Syndicate your posts to other websites!

So, this means to literally copy most of a blog post that you have already written and then send it to another blogger to post as a guest post! At the bottom, it will say “this post first appeared on (your website)”.

If you are stuck getting views, relationships and backlinks get as many guest posts done as you possibly can! Google super popular bloggers in your niche and ask!


You need alliances below you and alliances above you

To be successful, you need to make sure you have viewers which are more successful than you and viewers who are less successful than you.

Why is this?

Having viewers who are a mix of both is extremely important. It allows us to learn together and maintain a really healthy audience.


Alliances Below you

These are the people that are in your niche but have a smaller audience than you. Readers and subscribers who are looking to grow and expand are in this category and will look up to you. They will share your content possibly even write guest posts for you.


Alliances Above you

People in this category will have much larger audiences than you. They will have more experience than you and you will be able to learn from them! Also, make sure you mention them in your guest posts!


Spend money

I have yet to meet a blogger who has success without spending money! Think about it, you wouldn’t dream of opening a shop for free, would you? It’s exactly the same with blogging.

Our dreams and goals will take money and if you are clever about it, this will come back to you and more.



If you are a blogger, there’s a high chance you have heard how important consistency really is. However, I haven’t seen many people explain it in the right way.

So many bloggers spend hours researching their post and write it to get a quick burst of traffic and nothing else.

This is such a waste!

To grow your blog, it is a lot of work. Its perfectly doable but it can be damn hard, especially if you already have a job like me.

It takes consistent back work to keep that little views line in our stats steady.


Here are a few things to think about to stay consistent


  • Keep making relationships.
  • Research keywords.
  • Use the language in your posts that your audience uses.
  • Build other bloggers up, no matter what stage they are at.
  • Share old posts
  • Experiment with what your viewers like to read



Guest posts


Have you ever written a guest post before?

Trust me, they are crucial to your success!

More often than not, we will be writing posts for bloggers who are way more established than us at that point.

More successful bloggers will often be very happy to accept! At this stage, they will have so much more on their list! Having someone else write their post for that day will be a relief! Each time make sure that they link back to you. This way their viewers will be able to view your blog!

Blogging really is like a big chain!


Make sure your posts sound like you, and they are your passion

There are always going to be days where you really don’t feel like blogging and this is okay! It happens to everyone, even me! When this happens I kick myself up the back a little. If you ever want a better future, you put in the work now!

What does help me is when I write knowing that each word I type is exactly in the way I would say it in real life. This keeps my interest in my blog and makes me happy that so many people read something that is truly mine.

It goes without saying but please make sure that you write about something you know a lot about and that you are passionate about.

Passion is what makes us stay. Blogs need to have that excited energy around them. Writing about a topic which you are passionate about will make it 10 times easier to keep on writing.


Okay my friends, I really hope I answered some of your questions! I think one of the most important things we can do as bloggers is to constantly build each other up and be open about this! All engagement is so greatly appreciated!

Please message me anytime if you need my support and in the meantime have a wonderful day!

Nanny M x40936022_475348856208923_4502668143453274112_o (1)

52 Comments Add yours

  1. This article inspires me. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!
      Nanny M x


  2. So true nanny!! I use these tips and my numbers are so good lately! It really works:) it really truly helps to connect and grow with others, you can’t do it alone!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You really can’t do it alone can you? Some bloggers don’t truly get how we all have to grow as a big community. Thank you for commenting!
      Nanny M x


  3. This is so helpful. My traffic is slowing right down at the minute even though I seem to be investing so much time in to my blog along side full time work.

    I’m going to pin this to refer to on a regular basis I think x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awh this is so lovely to hear! I ditto that! Full-time Nanny + blog..oh man its a lot of work! It can be done though! If we really want it, we make sacrifices! Getting up earlier and sometimes swap phone time with blog time. You are awesome and will get to awesome places! Message me anytime for advice x
      Nanny M x

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Awh I’m sorry to hear this! Can I ask what are the strategies you’re using to grow? You could just not be using the right ones? Glad you’re going to find this useful, hehe! All the best
      Nanny M x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I share my posts on all social media platforms as I always have done, I use blog groups on Facebook. I also lost to topic related groups as well.

        I interact with other bloggers, comment, follow and share their content.

        I’ve been working on my blog w fair bit, updating the pictures, making better pins etc

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I understand your frustration, it’s not easy is it! Looking at your blog, it looks awesome! Have you done a guest post before? I would also make a post in a few groups asking what people are struggling with most in your niche and that’s your next blog post. It’s a great way to directly answer peoples struggles and know what they want to read 🙂


  4. bontleblogs says:

    Very helpful post. Thank you for this article.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! You are very welcome!
      Nanny M x


  5. Really appreciate your sharing as I wish to drive more traffic to my blog too, learnt some tips from your sharing here & gonna apply some 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m so glad to hear about your success in blogging, it is incredibly inspirational. It is also very refreshing to hear something different other than tailwind and pinterest in order to grow your traffic. I love information, dont get me wrong, but new and fresh information always gets me excited! I can’t wait to implement guest posting into my traffic strategy, I’ve heard of it before but after seeing how well it has been working for you I have a new kick of motivation to get it started. Thanks so much for sharing and I look forward to seeing you grow more!
    Sending my love xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh this comment made my day and it is SO TRUE! Very often especially with blogging you’ll get the same old “pick a niche, blog regularly…” kind of info but I wanted to be real and authentic. Telling the truth of how we can get there and how to grow and prosper! Fresh is absolutely best! I’m so happy about this comment and super pleased to have helped you. Best of luck with your guest posts, just stick to your niche and don’t be afraid to write for people under you and over you (although within limits!) Wishing you a wonderful day and sending lots of love back!

      Nanny M xx


  7. I am so glad to read this , i saved this url as a bookmark. Thanks for been so real and inspiring. I have been doing a whole lot the wrong way , its time to get it right.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awh so glad to have helped you! This is great! Sometimes we all need a little lift in the right direction. All the best of luck!
      Nanny Maryanne x


      1. Thanks , i will share with you a changed blog post when i am done

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Pixelz.Fairy says:

    Very nice and helpful article. Thanks for all the tips. Saved this post, might be handy for me every now and then. 👌

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awh you are very welcome! Glad it helped! We all need a little boost from time to time 😊
      Nanny M x


  9. This is very informative and consice. Few I knew of because I am a marketing student. But few I’ve learnt here which us great! Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it!
      Nanny M x


    1. Thank you so much! I hope it helps you out 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, I hope you liked it! Anything you need please pop by my website @nannymaryanne xxx


  10. Nikki says:

    Great tips! Thank you. I am new to blogging so this post has taught me a lot. I had never even heard or thought of guest posts. Thank you again.


    1. Thank you I’m so glad you liked it! Xx


  11. Dropner Promotions says:

    Good post, I also have that strategy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much! Awesome, great kinds think alike! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Hannah says:

    this advice is so valuable to me! I am currently in the growth stage with my blog and you gave me a few things to consider that I haven’t before. It takes a village!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It truly does take a village, doesn’t it?! The most successful people are the ones who aren’t afraid of being part of a team! I’m so so glad you found value in my post. Anything you need from me please don’t hesitate 😊

      Nanny M x


      1. Dear, I don’t understand what you said about money spend for blog ,where ttat be spend and to whom that be?


  13. Jakob says:

    Very interesting, Nanny. I love the alliances concept, and it is most certainly something I’ll consider.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Yes please do, its a great way to grow but also help others grow! Keep that chain going! 🙂


  14. Jay says:

    Very Information .

    Liked by 1 person

  15. susngidharyahoocoin says:

    From all blogging tips that I read, this is the BEST! Most bloggers who blog about blogging will hardly say that backlinks are so important for ranking!! I love everything what you have written. Its the answers I have been looking for a very long time. Something that was not there in many bloggers who blog about blogging! You are straight forward and thats amazing. Thank you thank you thank you so so much. Love it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This comment made my day! So glad it helped you out! I noticed a few people were reaching out to me and asking about my own blogging- but I didn’t want to reply with the usual “find your niche” general response! 🙂 Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day!

      Nanny M x


  16. Vikingfinity says:

    Amazing advice! Writing guest-posts is something that I will have to be more open towards – up to now, I “selfishly” wanted to keep all of my ideas and thoughts for my own website. This was a really eye-opening post, thank you :)!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I in this case you gotta activity think about it in a different light.

      As bloggers, we are all growing together. No one is ahead of anyone!

      When you write a guest blog post, the person you share it to will be more established than you. They will link to your blog and therefore bring their audience to your blog. They will never claim it as theirs!
      After all, it’s your name that will be on the post!

      All your ideas ans thoughts will always be your own. But you cannot grow without connecting, like a big blogger chain 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Vikingfinity says:

        Yes, I completely agree! I’ve honestly never thought about it this way, but this is why I’m very glad to have read your post 🙂


      2. Hehe thank you so much! Xx


  17. Such accurate and amazing info! Would especially be of great help to the new bloggers like me. Regards Fitness HN 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much and I’m so glad you liked my post! Yes that’s so true! I really hope it helped you and please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  18. This was absolutely amazing! Loved every word of it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So so happy you liked it! 😉 xx


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