Bloggers who will knock your socks off!

As much as I would have loved to wake up as a super nanny with all the bells and whistles, the reality of my career was quite the opposite. I have had so many learning curves and downright fails that would have you crying with laughter!

With my dreams of owning my own business recently becoming a beautiful reality, there are many of you who have supported and inspired me along this exciting journey of mine.

I am in no way some big shot who’s made millions…


However, I am truly thankful for each of you lovely people for every little push and great advice along the way!



I’m a massive believer in growing a loving community together in which we are all there for one another.

By carefully selecting the bloggers who I have created very lovely relationships with, you will now be able to do the same!

Either way, I’m excited to share with you some truly amazing parent bloggers who will inspire you, just as they did me!



Mother knows best

Grace was one of my first interactions as I started blogging. She empowers women everywhere and encourages women to feed their babe in whatever way is best for her and her little one. Grace is so informative when it comes to feeding and has everything you need to know! She was so genuinely lovely to me and I ended up writing a guest post for her wonderful blog!leandro-cesar-santana-328880-unsplash.jpg



Hurrah for Gin

If you are in need for a laugh, this is just the ticket for you. Brighton mamma has two boys and blogs about her challenges of parenthood. Her blogs work so well because they are so relatable, honest and so funny! Head her way to read some awesome advice on parenting or just if you need a little pick me up!valeria-zoncoll-575958-unsplash.jpg



Stamp your feet

Ellie is a new mamma to a beautiful baby girl. She is a new blogger, although she’s already blogging like a boss! Her posts involve truly beautiful stories linked to her life as a parent. I really love her style of writing and that what she posts is actually unique to her. If you’re after some amazing advice, support or simply an awesome read, head her way this instant!zach-lucero-799059-unsplash.jpg


When “Fit” hits the “Shan”

Mrs S has worked as a paraprofessional, a preschool teacher, as a behavioural interventionist, as a habilitative intervention plus a personal trainer!! On top of this she blogs about how to make parent life easier, hairstyles for children, things to do with your kiddos and has so much advice and training she has absolutely knocked my socks off!thought-catalog-188056-unsplash.jpg





Motherly was founded by a couple who had five children together who wanted to take this parenting thing to the next step! They wanted to inspire and support parents everywhere and my gosh they have done just that! Motherly is just what you need. They share EVERYTHING you need to know about expert ideas and honest mum to mum ideas. They are mega professional and even have a personal week by week guides so you get all your advice tailored to suit your family!cherries-3497780_1920.jpg



Life with mom blog

Kaylyn is not only totally bossing Instagram, but she provides so much love and support on her blog and is there for other parents as a massive support system! I check out her work all the time and she is a massive inspiration to me! Her blog is packed full of scrumptious recipes and parenting advice you really wouldn’t find anywhere else!cuddly-toy-happy-smile-12211.jpg



What Katie made

Katie is a Mother to two beautiful girls! Her cooking is out of this world and blogs the most amazing recipes that’ll have you drolling on your laptop as we speak. She also has a few surprises up her sleeve which I’m sure will knock your socks off to the other side of the world. But for now, read her stuff and cook it and I’ll say “I told you so”! erol-ahmed-80092-unsplash.jpg



My Saturday Drive

Slush Alert!

My Partner and I have always wanted to start out own businesses, but dought and fear kept us saying “I’ll do it next week”. Through ceaseless support and the occasional kick up the ass from my ever obliging partner, my own business “Nanny Maryanne” was born! It was absolutely down to his perpetual guidance that gave me the push I needed!

Adding some additional kicks up the ass on my part, his own business was then born- “My Saturday Drive”!

My Saturday Drive intertwines driving and visiting beautiful places across Scotland. He pinpoints the very best roads to drive on and where to visit! Not only does he take the most gorgeous photographs, but he also has a knowledge of Scotland and driving that will leave you in awe.

Without being biased, My Saturday drive is honestly one of the best blogs I have never read. His writing and passion for what he does transforms me into his work and makes me want to get out the door and go for a drive asap!jack-anstey-415825-unsplash.jpg

I can’t wait to connect with more of you and to help you grow as I’m sure you will do the same for me!

In the meantime, thank you all for being in my life in whatever shape or form, and as always, I love to hear your thoughts below!

Nanny M x


12 Comments Add yours

  1. I always love finding new blogs to read! I’m not a mom yet, but I’ll be sure to check some of these blogs out!
    -Madi xo |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awh how exciting, sounds like you plan to be a mama sometime, hehe! If you ever need my help please don’t hesitate! Thanks so much for commenting, its super appreciated!
      Nanny Maryanne x


  2. kiara says:

    Very cute page/blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why thank you lovely 💓


  3. stampyourfeet says:

    Aw thank you so much! Love this and so glad I found your blog xx


    1. Awh of course! Your posts really are inspiring! Sorry I haven’t replied to your email yet (christmas nanny brain) please wish your family and your sweet one a happy new year when it comes! All the best and excited for more lovely posts 🙂
      Nanny M x


  4. Sarah says:

    This is a great read! Going to check out some blogs now! ❤️


    1. Thanks so much lovely!
      Nanny M x


  5. Thank you so much for the shout out! I love your work and I look forward to reading more of your posts!! 🙂 Keep up the good work!


    1. Of course! I’m so glad you like my work, this means so much! Yours are amazing! Can’t wait for more!
      Nanny M x


  6. You are the sweetest! Thank you! xxxx


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